Tuesday 7 May 2013

Zumba Bracelets

Hate to exercise? Me too. Not till Zumba. You probably heard about Zumba and have no idea what the hype is all about. Or probably you watched people doing Zumba and thinking it's not for you. The steps are too many and confusing. Or you are not fit enough to dance. Or you have two left hands and two left feet. I was thinking the same too. I thought Zumba was too complicated and all those pivoting, and jumping are bad for my knees.

But you know what? After trying Zumba for a couple of months I love it and yup, I can dance non stop for 1 and half hour, and burned up to 600 kcal/hour. Yup, I pivot, jump and shake my booties. Do I lose weight? You bet I do...

Well since I love it so much I thought why not write some Zumba related stuff on Squidoo. And so I did. Here my first page about Zumba jewelry...

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