Friday 17 May 2013

Easy Yoga Poses For Beginners

One common reason why people refuse to practice yoga is that they think yoga is only for people with thin bodies and have great flexibility. And another reason is that they think they have to attend yoga classes to do yoga. These reasons are not true at all. Of course it is good if you can attend yoga classes because the instructor can help to monitor your progress and correct your poses. But if you can't afford to attend classes like I do, then there is no reason not to do yoga at home.

Yoga is not just for thin people. It is suitable for those who are overweight too. The important thing is to try to perform poses the right way without pushing yourself over your limit. Be patient and keep on persevering, practicing yoga is not training for a competition. Keep on practicing and you will develop flexibility and strength and also improve your energy level over time. And also, it is a good way to lose weight too!

If you are new to yoga or never try it before but are interested to learn a bit more before start practicing, then this lens is for you. You will learn 15 easy yoga poses for beginners. Watch the videos to learn how to do the poses properly and then start practicing! Remember to do it slowly and don't push yourself too much - listen to your body. Once you able to do some of the poses, maybe you can start doing sun salutation!

All images are taken from: Personal photoes and or

Yoga Props

What are the things you need? 

 Basically you don't need any special prop to practice yoga. But it is good if you can buy some yoga accessories to aid your practice such as a:

Yoga mat - this mat is a special mat that is used to prevent hands and feet slipping during yoga. There are many mats available on the market at relatively cheap prices.

Yoga block - yoga blocks are usually made from foam, cork or wood. Blocks are use to improve your balance and alignment.

Yoga strap - yoga straps are beneficial for newbies. These straps are use to allow you to grasp your hands or feet that you couldn't reach (yet).

Blanket and pillow - you can sit on a folded blanket or pillow to support your body while doing seated poses.

There are many other accessories that you can use such as yoga wedges, yoga balls, yoga bolsters, but the props above are the basic things you need for now.

Yoga Kit For Beginners

Child's Pose

Sanskrit name: Balasana 
Child's pose is one of my favorite yoga poses. I often do this pose when I feel my back muscles tense or I feel stressed up about something. This pose is very easy to do. The benefits of this pose is to calm the brain and help to relieve stress or tension on your back, hips, and thighs muscles. This pose can also be done by extending your arms forward to support your head.

Warrior 1 Pose

Sanskrit name: Virabhadrasana I 

This is the first warrior pose (there are 3 poses). The benefits of this pose is to stretch the chest, neck, tummy muscles. groins and shoulders. It also helps to strengthens the thighs, ankles and calves. When you do this pose for the first time it is quite difficult to balance your body but as you gain more strength you will be able to do this without wobbling.
Warrior 2 Pose

Sanskrit name: Virabhadrasana II 
In warrior 2 pose you need to extend your arms to both sides. When you do this for the first time make sure you turn your neck slowly facing the front and not to do it abruptly because you can strain your neck if you are not careful. It has the same benefits as warrior 1 pose plus it is very beneficial for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. And also it helps to relieve backaches during pregnancy.
Tree Pose

Sanskrit name: Vrksasana

I had a hard time to maintain my balance when I did this pose for the first time and only able to hold my pose for one to two seconds and I sweat profusely!. This pose looks simple but don't be fool, it can takes awhile to maintain a steady pose. The benefits of this pose is to strengthen the thighs, ankles, calves and back. It helps to improve your balance and also very beneficial for those suffering from sciatica.
Bridge Pose

Sanskrti name: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

A great pose for those who wish to flatten the tummy. However, as a beginner make sure not to put too much strain on your lower back. Do it as far as you can lift your back. If you feel pain in your shoulders, neck or lower back, stop and do it again slowly. This pose has many benefits - it helps to improve digestion, relieves menstrual pain, stimulated the lungs, thyroid and also abdominal organs.

Triangle Pose

Sanskrit name: Utthita Trikonasana 
You might need a yoga block to do this pose. You can also brace your back against a wall to help you maintain your balance. This pose is great for those who are suffering from anxiety, infertility, sciatica, and neck pain.
Seated Twist Pose

Another one of my favorite pose. This pose might a bit tricky if you are overweight but do it slowly and as much as you can turn. This pose is great for those who are suffering from back pain. Other benefits include to stretch the shoulders, neck and hips. Relieves tension on the spine and also to stimulate kidneys and liver.

Cobra Pose

Sanskrit name: Bhujangasana 
I am suffering from back pain after giving birth to my daughter and I found that this pose helps me to reduce the pain. However for beginners it might be not possible to fully straightened your arms. Make sure to bend your arms and also to tuck your elbows close to your body for support. This pose is good to help firming the buttocks.

Downward Facing Dog

Sanskrit name: Adho Mukha Svanasana 
I hated this pose when I started to practice yoga but it became another favorite poses of mine. This pose helps you to relax, seriously. When you practice it for the first time, your heels might not touch the floor at all, unless you are a dancer or a gymnast. But that's ok. The benefits include to reduce anxiety and stress and also to calms the brain. It is beneficial for those who have high blood pressure, asthma, sciatica, and sinusitis.
Pigeon Pose

Sanskrit name: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 
I couldn't find a free image of this pose to put here but you can watch the video to find out how it look like. You might need a yoga block or pillow to support your hip. The benefits of this pose is to stretch the thighs, abdomen, chest, neck and shoulders.
Plank Pose

Sanskrit name: Phalankasana 
A great pose to flatten the tummy! I still shake a bit whenever I do this pose and often I sweat profusely afterward. This pose strengthens the arms, abdominal muscles and stretches the spine.

Lunge Pose

Sanskrit name: Ardha Mandalasana 
Another great pose for beginners that helps to improve stamina and flexibility. Other benefits include relieving back pain and sciatica. It also helps to strengthen legs and back.
Forward Bend

Sanskrit name: Uttanasana
For newbies it is advisable to bend your legs a bit when you practice this pose for the first time. The benefits of this pose - helps reduce headache, insomnia and fatigue. It also helps to stretch the thighs, hip, hamstrings and calves.

Cat Cow Pose

Sanskrit name: Marjariasana 

A funny name, isn't it? This pose is beneficial for female reproductive system and it is a great pose to practice during pregnancy (up to second trimester). I love this pose because it helps me to relax and stretch my back.

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